AIKA invites experts to take part in training for assessing study fields
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In order to prepare for the upcoming assessments of study fields the Quality Agency for Higher Education is organising an expert training taking place on 30th and 31st August. The expert training is intended specifically for the experts representing one of the following disciplines:
- Mechanics and Metal Processing, Heat Power Engineering, Heat Technology and Mechanical Engineering,
- Power Industry, Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technologies,
- Manufacture and Processing,
- Architecture and Construction,
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, Veterinary Medicine and Food Hygiene,
- Health Care,
- Social Welfare.
The participation in this training will be a strong prerequisite for further engagement in the abovementioned expert panels by AIKA. The training will take place in an on-line mode, by using Zoom platform.
The training will take place in two parts – theoretical session (30th August 14:00 – 17:00 CET) and practical session (31st August 9:00 – 12:00 CET or 14:00 – 17:00 CET). The training will be delivered in English and mixed groups of Latvian and international participants will take part in the practical session.
Participants who have participated in both sessions (theoretical and practical session) will be awarded a certificate and considered for inclusion in expert teams for assessing particular study fields.
The registration on the expert database (e-platform) is a mandatory prerequisite for participation. The registration form is available here It has to be noted that the participants will be accepted on the first come first served basis by taking into account the following prerequisites in the priority order:
- The expert has already been invited to participate in a study field to be assessed in 2021/2022
- The expert is included in the expert database (e-platform) in 2021 or updated the profile in 2021.
- The expert is registered in the expert database (e-platform) but has not updated the profile since 2020.
Confirmation on your participation and further details will be sent out on 20th August. In case of any questions please contact us at and