AIKA membership in ENQA reconfirmed
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In June 2024 the ENQA Board reconfirmed AIKA’s membership in ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). The membership was reconfirmed for the maximum term – 5 years.
In its decision, the ENQA Board appreciated the significant contribution of AIKA to the work of ENQA and the valuable cooperation. The group of international experts that assessed AIKA praised AIKA for the high level of trust that it has achieved from the partners and stakeholders involved in the quality assurance of higher education in Latvia and abroad.
The Head of the Agency Jolanta Silka notes that the decision was taken based on the expert report, however, since the expert report was produced AIKA has already implemented significant improvements that have fully solved the issues highlighted by the experts. The improvements take place continuously with the aim to enhance the quality of higher education in higher education institutions in Latvia and to support the quality culture.
The full membership in ENQA was one of the goals when AIKA was established. AIKA will continue to benefit from the opportunities offered by ENQA as well as contribute to ENQA through its Board, working groups and other structures.