
The Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA) has published its annual report for 2024. The report is available here (in Latvian only).

This report is structured according to the priorities defined for the strategic period of 2024. – 2028:

  • public awareness;
  • ensuring quality;
  • policy making;
  • performance of the agency;
  • international cooperation.

The year 2024 has been busy with the coordination of quality assessment procedures and the organization of the decision-making process by the Study Quality Commission. An important milestone was also the partial review coordinated by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) to renew the agency’s registration on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) and the amendments to the legal framework concerning this. The Agency has already taken the first steps towards cyclical institutional accreditation. In 2024, several activities for assessing the practice applied during the study field assessment took place. Also, as the resources necessary for conducting the study field assessment gradually decrease, more time and resources could be devoted to the organisation of informative webinars and regular communication activities.

This report provides an overview on the indicators used for measuring the achievement of the strategic goals as well as the activities planned for achieving the goals and shortlisted as the priorities or year 2024. It is foreseen that all the annual reports within the strategic period 2024.- 2028. will be structured following the same template that will allow to gain a comprehensive overview on the achievement of the goals at the end of the strategic period 2024. – 2028.