The aim of the on-site visit is to gain as much information as possible about the study direction and the relevant study programmes to be able to carry out a comprehensive and unbiased assessment in compliance with the requirements specified in Cabinet Regulation No. 793 of 11 December 2018 and the criteria specified in the Guidelines for the Preparation of the Joint Opinion by the Expert Group on the Assessment of a Study Field.

Prior to the on-site assessment visit, the experts shall:

  • review the documents which regulate the accreditation of the study field;
  • participate in the training organised by AIKA;
  • review the prepared self-assessment report and provide an opinion on different aspects in free form (or a form proposed by the head of the experts group);
  • allocate tasks among themselves, prepare and submit a list of topics/questions which need to be addressed during the on-site assessment visit, as well as a list of additional information required from the higher education institution or college;
  • participate in the preparation of the on-site visit;
  • participate in the meetings and discussions of the experts group;
  • carry out other tasks related to assessment activities, as allocated among the members of the experts group; and
  • carry out all the tasks by the previously agreed deadlines.

Usually, AIKA shall ensure that the experts have access to the self-assessment report no later than one month prior to the on-site visit at the higher education institution or college. However, if for reasons not attributable to AIKA, the composition of the experts group has changed and it is not possible to ensure the access to this information within the specified time period, such an access to the self-assessment report shall be ensured for the new experts of the experts group immediately after they have been included in the experts group.

Having reviewed the self-assessment report, the experts group shall prepare the initial report and define areas and issues that require particular attention during the on-site visit.

AIKA, in collaboration with the head of the experts group, shall prepare a draft agenda of the on-site visit and send it to the higher education institution or college for coordination and supplementation adding definite participants of the meetings and additional activities. AIKA shall send the prepared agenda of the on-site visit to the experts group for the final coordination.

Prior to the assessment visit, AIKA shall organise an on-site visit for the experts group, the major part of which shall be dedicated to the work of the experts group – identification of the issues and their sequence, on the bases of previously prepared interview agendas (especially for the first day of visit), and the allocation of roles among the members of the experts group (responsibilities for different topics, chairing of meetings, taking of notes, etc.).

During the visit, the experts group shall meet the administration of the respective body of the higher education institution and/or college, the management of the study direction or study programme, the teaching staff, students, graduates (if any), and employers.

During the visit, the higher education institution or college shall, upon request by AIKA or the experts group, provide access to the informative resources/infrastructure, material and technical provision, the final theses, the examination materials, and other documents.

The higher education institution or college shall provide proper premises and equipment required for the experts group to carry out the work and hold meetings.

After each interview, the members of the experts group may discuss the obtained information among them.

All the coffee breaks and lunch shall be organised separately from the representatives of the higher education institution or college, unless proposed otherwise by the experts group, which can be used for work-related discussions among the members of the experts group.

At the end of the visit, the members of the experts group shall discuss the visit outcomes among them and orally present to the representatives of the higher education institution or college the findings and initial conclusions obtained during the visit.