Writing Report
After the on-site visit, the experts group shall, by the deadline specified by the AIKA, prepare a report in compliance with the Guidelines for the preparation of the joint report by the experts group on the assessment of the higher education institution or college, which shall be reviewed by the AIKA and forwarded to the higher education institution or college.
The higher education institution may, within 10 working days after having received the joint report, provide comments on the factual errors detected in the joint report by the experts group by submitting to the AIKA a form with comments by the higher education institution or college on the factual errors detected in the joint report by the experts group in both Latvian and English.
The AIKA shall forward the comments by the higher education institution or college on the factual errors detected in the joint report to the experts group. The experts group shall review the comments by the higher education institution or college and may, within 10 working days after having received the comments, make the necessary specifications and submit them to the AIKA.
Thereafter, the AIKA shall submit the specified joint report to the Council for Higher Education.