Joint training of student experts organised by the Agency and the Student Union of Latvia
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On 16th and 23rd of February 2024, the Quality Agency for Higher Education and the Student Union of Latvia organised a training for student experts, which was well attended and appreciated by students. The training covered the following topics: the process of evaluation of study fields and the duties of experts, interviewing skills during the site visit, preparation of recommendations for the higher education institution.
The training was organised in two parts. On the 16th February the first part took place online, where the representatives of the Agency Jolanta Silka, Ketija Andersone and Ilva Grigorjeva gave lectures on the system for quality assurance of higher education in Latvia, the stages of the study field assessment procedure and the process of preparation of the experts’ joint opinion.
On 23rd of February, the second part of the training took place in person at the Academic Centre of the University of Latvia, where the participants simulated the evaluation process – got acquainted with the self-assessment report and the criteria for the expert opinion, discussed the missing information and prepared questions to be clarified, asked questions to impromptu groups of representatives of the higher education institution and, as a result, drew conclusions on whether the necessary information for the preparation of the joint opinion had been received as well as formulated recommendations for the higher education institution.
Participants who took part in both parts of the training were issued with certificates confirming that they are fully prepared to work in the assessment procedures.
The organisation of student expert training is an important and regular form of cooperation between the Quality Agency for Higher Education and the Student Union of Latvia, which ensures the attraction of motivated and competent students as student experts.