Webinar: Outcomes of the EUniQ Pilots and Implications for the Framework for QA of European Universities
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We are pleased to inform you that the webinar “Outcomes of the EUniQ Pilots and Implications for the Framework for QA of European Universities” – will take place on Tuesday 9th March 2021 from 9:30 to 12:30 (CET). During this webinar, the results of the EUniQ pilot evaluations will be presented as well as the implications for the Framework for QA of European Universities that was tested in the pilot evaluations.
The event is open for all who are interested and participation is free. The event is especially targeted towards the representatives of quality assurance agencies, university networks, national ministries responsible for higher education and European stakeholder organisations.
Please click here for the programme of the webinar.
Registration for the conference is required and can be done via this link.
The link to the webinar will be sent to all registered participants in due time.
The EUniQ project is aimed at developing and testing an evaluation methodology for European Universities, from an analysis of needs and (legal) barriers to a developed QA methodology. The EUniQ project is implemented by a consortium of QA agencies, ministries, and European stakeholders organisations, in cooperation with European Universities.
More information about the EUniQ project is available on the project website – https://www.nvao.net/en/euniq