Reflection on the webinar by the Quality Agency for Higher Education on current developments in external quality assessment
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On 7th November 2024, the Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA) organised a webinar on current developments in external quality assurance.
During the event, the latest developments in external quality assurance were presented by the head of the agency Jolanta Silka, Head of Quality Assessment Unit Ilva Grigorjeva and Head of Development and International Cooperation Unit Asnate Upmace.
The webinar attracted a large number of interested participants, with more than ninety participants – representatives of universities/colleges as well as the Ministry of Education and Science, Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees and Council of Rectors.
The positive feedback from the webinar participants gives confidence to continue organising such and similar events in the future.
The presentations from the webinar are available below (in Latvian):
Title and presentation | Presenter |
Ārējās kvalitātes novērtēšanas rezultāti un studiju virzienu novērtēšanas progress 2024. gadā | Jolanta Silka |
Izmaiņas Augstākās izglītības kvalitātes aģentūras metodikās un vadlīnijās | Ilva Grigorjeva |
Augstākās izglītības kvalitātes aģentūras aktualitātes | Asnate Upmace |