Seminar “AIKA in the European Higher Education Area: Achievements and Challenges in Quality Assurance”
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The Academic Information Centre will organise the seminar “AIKA in the European Higher Education Area – Achievements and Challenges in Quality Assurance” on 24 May 2019 within the European Social Funds project “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” framework.
The goal of this seminar is to introduce the audience of the seminar with the achieved results and future intentions by the Academic Information Centre and the Quality Agency for Higher Education as well as development trends in European higher education and the role of quality agencies in quality enhancement of higher education.
Sjur Bergan, Head of the Education Department at the Council of Europe will give a speech about the trends and challenges in the European Higher Education Area during the seminar, and Karl Dittrich, EQAR President, will speak of the role of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) in quality enhancement of higher education and Maria Kelo, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) Director, will give a speech about the importance of mutual trust in higher education.
This seminar will be held from 10 AM to 5 PM.
Experts in higher education and interested parties can apply for this event by 17 May 2019 by filling up the registration form here.
The number of available places is limited. Information in detail about the seminar and the agenda will be provided for participants whose registration will be approved.