
The Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA) is currently in the process of reviewing all study fields and related study programmes and ensuring that the decisions on accreditation are taken. The assessment and accreditation of study fields is carried out according to the schedule foreseen by the Law on Higher Education Institutions.

AIKA organises the assessment and accreditation of study fields in accordance with the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the related national legal framework.

The fifth thematic analysis provides an overview on the results obtained during the assessment and accreditation of the study field “Manufacture and Processing”. The study field “Manufacture and Processing” is offered by five higher education institutions, including two universities – Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) and Riga Technical University (RTU), one state founded higher education institutions – Rēzekne Academy of Technologies (RTA) and two state college – Riga Technical College (RTK) and Olaine College of Technologies under the Riga Technical University (RTU OTK). Study programmes are offered in Jelgava, Olaine, Rēzekne and Rīga. The thematic analysis on the study field “Manufacture and Processing” is available here (in Latvian).